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quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

The Heaven on Earth

After thousands of years of seeking and understanding through what we call religion, science, New Age and the supernatural etc. the answer is one and the same truth.
Love is the way to a higher and more conscious dimension, the golden age or “Heaven on earth”.
The changes and awakening have never been forced, the truth is that we have “chosen” it. We are ready to be a galactic civilization and come home, let the mask fall off. We have had our school here on earth and it has shown to many in the universe how it is to live in a limited consciousness.

They follow us with excitement about what is to happen. We actually chose ourselves to make earth what it is today, through many incarnations. People have asked what the meaning of life is. The meaning of life is to be aware that we are the life ourselves… You have this life and you can express yourself with feelings that are unique. You are a school of eternity. The meaning is as easy as LOVE! To learn what love is. That we have learnt to know to understand and feel, through choosing to participate in this earth adventure through many lives. It is a dream, that we come aware of that we dream.

Much will come to the surface. Fear will transform to understanding about what we have always been, that it is time to wake up to now. Jesus who once was here on earth, was one of them who came here to show who we are and what we could do. Our cosmic friends from thousands of star formations will soon show themselves openly for us.

They who follow the news around the world will clearly see that strange things are happening. Media gives us information about what is happening, but not always correctly. It gives us what we want to hear. Of this which can look like chaos, a new consciousness is born, which will soon be noticeable. Negative energy transforms with love. Telepathy that many have heard of is real divine and cosmic communication. Words don´t come even near what feelings can transmit.
When, where, how, why and to where?
All beautiful souls, young and old, what really is happening behind the curtain? Does it feel like you live in a stormy ocean or maybe in a still ocean? Maybe you simply surf on an ocean wave and take what flows to you? We live in a time of change, a really exciting one. You will get to see and feel much that you probably didn’t think of before or never considered. There are many people who are aware of it. Life can't continue as it has for another 100 years. It won’t. The lightning of truth can flash tomorrow. It all happens in divine time.

The first signs in this fantastic plan begin with regrouping, changes in governments and even in the economic system that mostly rules the world today. Money can cause wars, as can different views of religion. Soon speeches will be made from governments all over the world that we are not actually alone in universe, but that our cosmic friends have followed us since the birth of the earth and that they have had a big influence in our evolution and in a pace that we could handle. Freedom and justice will then be able to be created on Mother Earth. Our planet earth is in a mild sense a play area we have chosen to experience and be born in many incarnations. In this limited consciousness we have chosen to grow as souls. It is not a school where one competes but rather we are here to experience who we are deep inside…

Jesus, together with many masters as Buddha etc. had a universal and love-filled message that many have taken with open arms, but much has also been distorted. They will soon come back in physical form and talk to people and bring them together, to an understanding that we are a family and that there only is one “religion”, which is LOVE.
Jesus was like one of us, but he was aware of where he came from, who he was. Jesus simply and softly wanted to show us who we really are deep inside. That was why he came here. You are about to wake up to who you are. That is what is called spirituality. Spirituality is independent of religion. Religions stir the universal message. Buddha, Mohammed and Krishna are some of the teachers who have walked on this earth. You have your own truth in your heart. Live your own teaching.

If we put this into words the teaching is actually conscious love. In higher dimensions where we come from –which most of us have forgotten – we are aware that we are a part of everything and that we belong together with everything – we are love. We are all one in being, when we take off our human mask and ego, which separates us. After all, we are living in a world with different opinions, good and bad, happy and sad etc. All this so that The One shall be able to express himself/herself in every possible way. You are me and I am you on a higher level. We are of the same light, energy and Lovepower. From there everything is created from, that which penetrates everything. But in order for us to be able to feel ourselves we do it by diving into opposites.

That way we get to know ourselves until we understand that we are not separated. We play that until we reach a certain consciousness, then we realize that separation is an illusion that the ego is holding on to.
There is meaning in that we experience opposites. Without them we would never understand who we are deep inside. Separation also is a gift. Here on the earth we have experienced many sides of who we are. This planet is a “showcase planet”, a very unbelievable one. There are many civilizations that have learned a lot and now we are at the end of a repertoire that will take us to a beginning of another eternal adventure. There a huge HUG is awaiting, that will make you look back with joy after everything you experienced and understand that it was meant to be. We have gotten information from our cosmic friends the most surprising ways that we many times are not aware of through dreams, visions, etc. so that we have the strength to carry on…

Because you really are a love-filled soul who has forgotten who you are and that you can feel it inside you. You are not a human having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual creature who is having a human experience. You will not only wake up and see the changes – You will also wake up to a full awareness, which means that you will be your True Higher Self… The sum of all of your lives and memories from other experiences before you came to earth. You have friends who wait for you…The fantastic part about our planet and people who live on it is that we are going to go to the 5th dimension, which means a more floating reality, as real as now, but with more love-filled and faster vibrations.

Every cell in your body will be shining of light in a higher frequency. Joy and creativity are doors to other dimensions. You have probably noticed that when you are really happy it feels like everything is lighter and it tingles. Then you are in a higher state. Your body is a fantastic vehicle. It can do a lot more than we expect. Our brain capacity will rise up to 100 % and we will tune ourselves according to the cosmic frequencies. Your body is a vehicle for your soul and “energy body”. When body, mind, soul and awareness are one you will be able to change the form of your body with pure will and thought power. Your body is made of cells which in turn are photons and light energy. Your soul is light and pure consciousness, as your body is a lower frequency of light that seems more solid.

In the galactic federation there are many thousands of planets and civilizations, which share and shape together. Our planet will follow soon. People and other beings in the universe can travel in different ways, either by leaving their bodies and travelling to places desired – you actually are a multidimensional being who exists in many dimensions at the same time. Or they can travel in starships. Mostly they have a round or oval form, but forms can of course vary.


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