We are all a part of the All and from the same source. We can’t be separated from each other, it is an illusion. We are all one, it is a universal truth. The big consciousness has separated to many consciousnesses and that is why we can experience ourselves and create unique experiences through the All.
The creator wants to experience everything. We all have unique gifts to share. There is nothing and no one better than the other; we can say that we exist on different levels of consciousness. All souls on this earth are on their way towards the light and to a union with everything that is. This power that exists through everyone and all is pure, limitless and unconditional love, the source and the primary source.
To be able to experience ourselves as who we are we also need to experience who we are not. Without opposites we can’t fully experience who we are. To feel warmth we need cold etc. Opposites make it possible for us souls to experience who we don´t want to be and that is necessary if we want to grow past them to be who we really are.
Who do you choose to be here and now? The creator separated himself/herself in order to be able to experience himself/herself. Look deep into the eyes of the one you love, or look deep into your own eyes. Can you see the spark that is life itself and the all? Love is the power that gives life. On guitar strings we can play different tones, but it is always the same instrument. Tones can be called dimensions and they have their own unique vibration.
The all is endless amount of tones in harmony. The whole universe is a limitless symphony orchestra and without your cling the cosmos is not in harmony. You send your tone throughout eternity. Dimensions are different tone placements that vibrate. If you raise the frequency it will not become audible or it will not be seen by your senses if it is high enough.
We also have infra red light and infra- sounds which are being used much in today’s technology. The visible light is a part of our everyday life but that doesn´t make the unseen light no more unreal. The rainbow has seven colours which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and purple. These form our colour spectrum which we can see. We have seven energy centers, called “chakras” in our bodies, starting from our occipital and going down from there. They have the same colours as our rainbow.
Number seven has had a meaning in Christianity and in the bible, where it is seen as a bridge between people and heaven. Sounds, light and colours are one and the same thing. A dance of energies. Think about this for a while…This shows that everything we see as real is limited to what we can experience with our senses. Everything in the universe has a unique vibration, even though one has two of the same kind of glasses they do differ from one another. This is the language of vibrations.